Thulium laser flexible ureteronephroscopy in ectopic kidney with lithiasis in a pediatric patient: case report

Thulium laser flexible ureteronephroscopy in ectopic kidney with lithiasis in a pediatric patient: case report

Luis J. Orbegoso-Celis 1, Roxana P. Bernuy-Guerrero 1, Carlos M. Murillo-Canales 1, Carlos E. Chang-Valdez 1, Oswaldo Choque-Quispe 1, Kilder N. García-Murga 1, Wilson Pereyra 2, Luis E. Barreto-Espinoza 1

1 Unidad de Urología Pediátrica, Hospital Edgardo Rebagliati Martins, Lima, Perú; 2 Unidad de Endourología y Litiasis, Hospital Edgardo Rebagliati Martins, Lima, Perú

*Correspondence: Luis J. Orbegoso-Celis, Email not available


Introduction: Kidney stones in children have a prevalence of 1/4500 of hospitalizations in a pediatric hospital and are characterized by their multifactorial etiology. Abdominal pain is the most important symptom and is usually accompanied by hematuria. Diagnosis is mainly made by CT urography, and retrograde intrarenal renoureteroscopy is a therapeutic option with high stone-free rates and lower complication rates. Clinical case: We present the case of an 11-year-old male with sudden recurrent abdominal pain in the mesogastrium with macroscopic hematuria. CT urography revealed a left ectopic kidney with two stones of approximately 15 and 18 mm in their largest diameters, for which he underwent flexible ureterorenoscopy and Thulium laser lithotripsy in two surgical stages achieving a stone-free rate of 100%. Conclusion: Flexible ureterorenoscopy with laser lithotripsy is an effective and safe alternative for the treatment of lithiasis in pediatric patients.

Keywords: Lithiasis. Kidney calculi. Lithotripsy laser. Staghorn calculi. Child.
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